Looking For an Freelance SEO Consultant in Australia?

Hi, I'm Blake, an Australian SEO consultant with 10+ years experience.

You've found the perfect solution. Here's what you can do next:

G'day, I'm Blake, Australian SEO Expert

Scenarios where I deliver successful projects:

  1. Your business needs to the point, technical SEO advice in the early stages of your project.
  2. Your website traffic growth has stalled and you need someone to identify why, and how to fix it.
  3. You need an independent WordPress SEO to work alongside your web developer to plan the best approach for your website.
  4. Design and development of your website is already finished and you need an experienced SEO consultant to audit your performance.
  5. You’re looking to launch an eCommerce project on WordPress using WooCommerce and need an SEO professional’s help.
  6. Shopify SEO for your website that’s getting sales from social media, but not much revenue from organic search (Google, Bing, etc).
  7. You require a knowledgeable SEO to get your website up to first page rankings on Google

If one of these situations describes your needs, I can definitely help you. Contact me via the form below to get started.

Let's Discuss Your Best Next Steps..

If you book a call with me, we will discuss your current situation and what I recommend as a course of action to generate you more business. 

This will give you the confidence needed to invest in a marketing strategy that you know is designed to grow your business.

Why Should You Work with Me?

Working with me as an SEO consultant means you get a decade of experience working on ranking websites and businesses within search engines. My approach is a comprehensive one and very much to the point. It starts with keyword research and includes SEO audits, on-page optimisations, link-building, and a meticulous understanding of analytics.

In 2024 and beyond it’s a brutally competitive digital marketplace, and if you want your website to show up on the first page of search results, you’ve got to take this stuff seriously… Google has evolved, and it’s no longer good enough to stuff a bunch of keywords into your copy and figure you’re good to go. Search engine algorithms are smarter now, and they’re penalising those who try to take the easy way by using A.I or “black hat” techniques.

On top of that, search engine results have become a helluva lot more competitive. The potential of reaching first-page status (or Results Page Zero) is even more strained when you consider how saturated the internet has become with other businesses and their websites.

By collaborating with me, you can expect not only improved search engine rankings and increased traffic but also optimized site performance to enhance conversions, revenue, and visitor engagement. My expertise will help your business stand out in the crowded online space, driving meaningful and measurable results

247% Increase

Organic Traffic for a National Flooring Brand

I would gladly give Blake a referral to anyone ready to progress or make the imperative jump into the online space

– Lindsey McIntyre

My Approach to SEO

Choosing me as your SEO consultant means that you will be working with a professional who is dedicated to a methodical and personalized approach that will improve your website’s visibility and drive natural traffic.

This process doesn’t reinvent the wheel. I don’t claim to have proprietary methods that will make you the next Elon Musk. It’s simply a repeatable, proven process that has worked for me and hundreds of clients I’ve worked with over my 10+ years in SEO.

Very talented internet marketer who thinks outside of the box.

– Andrey Matveyev

Start with a Free Consultation..

If you book a call with me, we will discuss your current situation and what I recommend as a course of action to generate you more business. 

This will give you the confidence needed to invest in a marketing strategy that you know is designed to grow your business.

My Specialties

On-Page SEO services

  • Keyword Research & Targeting
  • Meta Tag Optimisation
  • Content Strategy
  • Internal Linking
  • Schema Markup
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation

Off-Page SEO services

  • Google Business Profile
  • Backlinks (via Digital PR)
  • Citations (Business listings)
  • Online Reviews
  • Reputation Management
  • Social Media Sharing

The words legendary and hero gets thrown around all too often. Blake is neither of those. But what he is, a gun admired by his peers in the online marketing space for his attitude and approach to online marketing

– Oliver Lee

Contact Blake / Book a Consultation

I’m currently available for more work. Fill out the form below to tell me more:

SEO Success Stories

Over the last decade plus I’ve been lucky to work with a number of great clients who have achieved fantastic outcomes. Here’s some examples of successful SEO campaigns I’ve been involved in:

Testimonials from People I’ve Worked With

Very talented internet marketer who thinks outside of the box.

– Andrey Matveyev

Blake was focused and reliable as a strategic consultant

– Christopher McLaren

Blake is cool, calm and collected, you can throw anything his way, he'll handle it like pro

– Georgia Leaker

Ready to Start Your SEO Campaign?

Your search for a reliable freelance SEO service is over! Head back up to the form, fill me in on your project and let’s get started today.

Frequently Asked Questions

SEO consulting involves optimizing your website to improve its visibility in search engine results. An SEO consultant works closely with businesses to improve their online presence. They aim to improve the businesses website rankings so it easier for them to be found online.

If your website is not ranking well in search engine results, or if you are not seeing the desired level of organic traffic, it may be time to consider hiring an SEO consultant to help optimize your website

The cost of SEO Services in Australia ranges from $1000 per month to upwards of $10000 per month. Some agencies charge setup costs that can range from $500 to over $5000.

Price is typically based on the scope of the project, the individual client needs and the expertise of the SEO provider.

As an SEO Consultant, I charge based on the value I provide from my 10+ years experience in SEO. Rather than the typical agency model that encourages you to stay as a client forever (to cover their overheads), I treat each client engagement as its own project. 

Results can vary depending on the current state of your website and the competitiveness of your industry. In general, you can expect to start seeing improvements within a few months, with continued growth over time.

While no one can guarantee specific rankings, a skilled SEO consultant can significantly improve your website’s visibility and performance in search engine results.

Let's Get Started Today!

If you’re ready to take your online presence to new heights, don’t hesitate – take action now by reaching out for a consultation with a trusted SEO expert today. Whether you’re looking for guidance on improving existing strategies or starting from scratch, investing in the right SEO consultant could exactly what your business needs. 

Let’s work together towards achieving sustainable growth and unlocking the full potential of your online presence! 

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